Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Philology

DICTIONARIES - REFERENCE WORKS -- NEUE PAULY, Der. Enzyklopädie der Antike. Hrsg. v. H. Cancik, H. Schneider, (u.a.). Stuttg./Weimar, 1996-2003. 16 in 19 vols. -- Id. Supplemente. Stuttg./Weimar, 2004-12. 7 vols. incl. atlas. -- Tog. 26 vols. Lge-8° (25) & fol. (Very slight shelfwear but in very good condition).

Complete set with 13 volumes 'Altertum' A-Z, 5 volumes 'Rezeptions- und Wissensgeschichte' A-Z, 1 index volume and 7 supplement volumes. -- Added: 2 glossy prospect leaflets for this series and the New Pauly.

€ 500

uitslag € 800

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