Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

MARITIME HISTORY - TRAVELLING -- BOUGUER, (P.). Nouveau traité de navigation, contenant la théorie et la pratique du pilotage. Nouv. éd. Par., Wid. Desaint, 1781. (4), vii-xxxii, 376, (96) pp. W. 13 fold. plates/maps & num. logarithm tables at the end. Cont. cf. w. raised bands & dec. gilt back. (Bind. dam., some parts of cf. gone, free endpaper loose, name entry on ti., wrong numbering in preliminaries (but nothing missing compared to other copies), stained in places (espec. at the beginning), some plates loose, a few plates w. small tears, a rather used, but complete copy).

New revised edition (1st 1753) on navigation and piloting by the French mathematician, geophysicist, and astronomer Bouguer (1698-1758), also known as "the father of naval architecture". - NHSM 679; Houzeau-Lancaster 10742.

€ 180

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