Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

SCHLÜTER, C.A. Gründlicher Unterricht von Hütte-Werken (…) nebst einem vollständigem Probier-Buch. Braunschweig, F.W. Meyer, 1738. (10), 612, (32), 198, (13) pp. W. 58 fold. plates & 1 engr. dedication p. Fol. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides, uncut. (1 cut in spine, ties lacking, 1 tie-hole torn, some (water)staining on the first pp., some plates (water)stained on the upper margin, lacks the frontispiece).

First edition of this seminal work on mining and metallurgy. - Duveen p. 534; Hoover 725.

€ 400

uitslag € 480

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