Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

PALFYN, J. Anatomie chirurgicale ou description exacte des parties du corps humain, avec des remarques utiles aux chirurgiens dans la pratique de leur art. Nouv. éd. Par., Veuve Cavelier & Fils, 1753. 2 vols. lxxi, (1), 488; vi, 538 pp. W. 55 engr. (fold.) plates by S. Antoine & J.B. Scotin showing bones, skeletons, muscles etc. Cont. mottled cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt backs & brown labels. (Bottom of spine chipped, corners bumped, plate 1 loose, 1 plate rep. on v°, 1 plate w. marg. tear, a few dampstains to vol. 1, some minor foxing in places).

Later, revised French edition of "Heelkundige ontleeding" (Leiden 1718) by the Flemish surgeon and obstetrician J. Palfijn (1650-1730), and augmented with a study on bones by the anatomist A. Petit (1722?-1794). - Lindeboom 1495; Bibl. Belg. IV, p. 83.

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