Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

CONCHOLOGY -- KNORR, G.W. Verlustiging der oogen en van den geest, of verzameling van allerley bekende hoorens en schulpen, die in haar eigen kleuren afgebeeld zyn. Amst., Erven F. Houttuyn, 1770-1775. 6 parts in 3 vols. (10), 44; (2), 45-82; (2), 83-118; (2), 34; (2), 35-62; (2), 63-117, (25 index) pp. W. tog. 190 engr. plates, all delicately cold. by hand. 4°. Fine cont. marbled cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt backs, red labels, all sides w. gilt dec. floral borders, fine marbled edges and beautiful marbled endpapers.

Splendid set of this rare Dutch edition of Knorr's famous work on shells. Knorr (1705-61) was a German paleontologist, engraver and art dealer who, in his lifetime, put together a handsome collection of drawings based on the amateur cabinets and collections in Holland and Germany in the early 18th century. The beautifully coloured plates are by i.a. G.P. Trautner and A. Hoffer. - Nissen ZBI, 2236; Landwehr, Bks. w. cold. plts., 96.

€ 3600

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