Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

TIMOTIN, A. La démonologie platonicienne. Histoire de la notion de Daimôn de Platon aux dernières Néoplatoniciens. 2012. Obrds. (PA 128). -- P.A. MEIJER. A new perspective on Antisthenes. Logos, predicate and ethics in his philosophy. (2017). Obrds. -- Id. Parmenides beyond the gates: the divine revelation on being, thinking & the doxa. 1997. Owrps. -- J. den BOEFT. Calcidius on fate, his doctrine & sources. 1970. Ocl. -- Id. Calcidius on demons. (Comm. Ch. 127-136). 1977. Owrps. -- And 1 o. (6).

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