Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

ASTRONOMY -- FERGUSON, J. Astronomy, explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles. 3rd ed. Lond., A. Millar, 1764. (3), 354, (5) pp. W. 18 engr. plates. Sm-4°. Later full cf., spine w. raised bands & red label, uncut. (Some yellowing, light waterstaining at the upper margins, some discrete repairs to the prints, former dealer's ticket on paste-down).

"Although containing no theoretical novelty, the manner and method of its expositions were entirely original. Astronomical phenomena were for the first time described in familiar language. The book formed Herschel's introduction to celestial science." (DNB VI, 1207ff.).

€ 200

uitslag € 280

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