Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - General History & Topography

JORNANDES. Histoire generale des Goths. Trad. (p. J.-B. Drouet de Maupertuy). Par., C. Barbin, 1603 (=1703!). (12), xxviii, (20), 287 pp. 12°. Cont. cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt back & red label. (Extremities slightly worn, name entry on ti-p., some minor browning/foxing in places, else a good copy).

Jornandes, also written Jordanes or Jordanis, was a 6th century Roman bureaucrat, who turned his hand to history later in life. While he also wrote "Romana" about the history of Rome, his best-known work is this work ("Getica"), written in Constantinople about AD 551. It is the only extant classical work dealing with the early history of the Goths. - First edition of this translation and the only copy we could trace with the 6 lvs. dedication (compare the copy in UB Leiden, BNP, and the NUC-copies (3)). - Brunet VI, 23001; Graesse III, 479.

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