Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Dutch Literature & Language

SCHRIECK, A. v. Van t'beghin der eerster volcken van Europen, in-sonderheyt vanden oorspronck ende saecken der Neder-landren, XXIII boecken. Met betoon vande dwalinghen der Griecken ende Latinen op t'selve beghin ende den ghemeynen oorspronck. Ypres, F. Bellet, 1614. (36), 560, (318) pp. W. engr. ti.-p., author's portr. & author's coat of arms by Guillaume du Tielt. - Bound with: Id. Monitorum secundorum libri V. Ypres, F. Bellet, 1615. (28), 63, (1), (60) pp. - 2 in 1 vol. Cont. cf., spine raised in compartments w. gilt lettering, sides blind tooled & ruled. (Spine dam., upper joint split, corners chafed, a few underscorings in pencil, some yellowing of the margins, a few wormholes, but clean text block).

Adriaen van Schrieck (1560-1621) set out to prove that the Flemish language is much older than Greek and Latin. The title-p. of the first book is in Latin but the work is in Dutch. The second book is a Latin-language etymological dictionary, in which the author stretched the etymologies of several languages to accomodate his point. - Brunet, V 242.

€ 300

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