Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Religion

CALVIN, J. Harmonia, dat is, een tsamenstemminghe gemaect vvt de drie evangelisten, namelick, Mattheo, Marco ende Luca. Ouergheset vvtden Lat. by G. Gallinaceum. Hier by zijn geuoecht de handelingen der Apostelen van nieuws ouergesettet by I. Florianum. (Leiden, A. Verschout for:) Antw., J. Troyens, 1582. 2 in 1 vol. (14), 721, (1 blank); 349, (1) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. & sev. initials. Fol. Old cf. w. raised bands & richly dec. gilt back (Top of spine rep., new endpapers, last blank leaf lacks, underl./marginal stripes in red pencil, pencil annot. in upper margin, some marg. waterstains (at the end sl. moulded)).

First Dutch translation of the 'Harmony upon the three Evangelists' to which are added the Acts of the Apostles and Calvin's Commentary upon the Gospel of St. John (pp. 469-721 of the first part), the latter not announced on the title-page. This voluminous work was produced by the Leiden printer Andries Verschout, whose name is duly mentioned in the impressum at the end. Three different issues of this edition are known: One with the address of Verschout himself and two others with the Antwerp addresses of resp. Nicolaes Soolmans and Jasper Troyens. Except for these adresses, the issues are entirely identical and form part of one and the same edition. - Rare. Index Aurel. 130.194; Typ. Batava 929; Belg. Typ. 540.

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