Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Religion

BYNAEUS, A. De natali Jesu Christi ll. II. Accedit dissertatio de Jesu Christi circumcisione. Amst., G. Borstius, 1689. 32, 582, (50), 34, (6) pp. W. fine mezzotint portr. & numismatical engr. Sm-4°. Cont. blind tooled vellum w. raised bands. (A bit browned in places, else a fine copy).

Extensive historical research into the nativity of Christ, with numerous quotations from the Tenach and Rabbinical sources; the Syriac New Testament is also freely quoted. Bynaeus' best known work is on Hebrew footwear (De calceis Hebraeorum, often printed since 1682). - With fine mezzotint portrait by P. Schenck. - NNBW VI, 259.

€ 150

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