Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Religion

BIBLIA NEERLANDICA -- (MARTIN, D.). Historie des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments. (Vert. d. W. Séwel). Amst., P. Mortier, 1700. 2 vols. (18), 282, (8); (26), 163, (11) pp. W. 2 differing engr. fronts., lge. engr. vign. on each ti., 32 engr. head- & tailpieces, 5 engr. double-p. maps (incl. a world map & 3 indexes) & 214 engr. plates (141 to the Old & 73 to the NT) w. c. 428 illustrations. Lge-fol. Cont. full cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt backs, large gilt dec. centerpieces (w. angel) on all sides, surrounded by 2 gilt dec. borders. (Spines a bit dam. espec. at the ends, joints (partly) split, corners bumped/worn, some faint marg. waterstains, else a fine and clean set with ample margins).

So-called 'Grote bijbel van Mortier'. One of the finest illustrated bibles produced in the Netherlands with engravings after Luyken, Picart, Goeree, Tideman, Hoet by Baptist, Blois, Mulder a.o. On this luxurious bible cf. Van Eeghen/v.d. Kellen 351; Klaversma/Hannema 180, 187; Poortman II, 98-105.

€ 460

uitslag € 650

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