Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Religion

BIBLIA ITALIANA -- IL NUOVO TESTAMENTO di Iesu Christo Nostro Signore, nuovemente riveduto e ricoretto segundo la verità del testo Greco, e di molte & utili annot. illustr. (Geneva), Heirs of Eustace Vignon, 1596. (8), 856, (32) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. Cont. vellum. (First free endpaper lacks, some incidental wormholes (mostly in margin), a trifle foxed).

Revised and corrected Geneva edition of Brucioli's version made for the Protestant Italian refugees; the underlying Greek text was probably the one checked by Beza. - Darlow & Moule 5596; EDIT16 5965/66.

€ 240

uitslag € 600

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