BIBLIA ANGLICA -- BREECHES BIBLE -- HOLY BIBLE, THE, containing the Olde Testament, and the New. London, Robert Barker, 1610 (colophon 1611). (3), 190; 181 [=196]; 121, (11) lvs. W. general title and New Testament title (both heart-shaped) within decorative woodcut borders & num. woodcuts (i.a. maps) in the text. Cont. cf. w. gilt letters "E.C." (Exeter College?) on both sides. (Skilfully rebacked w. use of old spine, corners restored, sm. rep. to first title, some errors in pagination, some marg. (water)stains, a bit thumbed in places, a few marg. inscriptions).
In the Breeches Bible, Genesis Chapter III Verse 7 reads: "Then the eies of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed figge tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches." - Darlow & Moule 237.€ 500
uitslag € 950