Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Neo Latin & Humanism

HUYGENS, C. Momenta desultoria; poematum ll. XIV. Ed. 2a, multo priore auctior, procur. L. Hugenio. Cum præf. C. Barlæi. The Hague, A. Vlacq, 1655. (76), 423 pp. W. engr. front. (Without portr. as often). - Bound with: C. v. KINSCHOT. Poemata in libros IV. digesta, (…). The Hague, A. Leers, 1685. (20), 216 pp. W. engr. portr. - 2 in 1 vol. Sm-8°. Cont. vellum. (Spine dam., some annot. on v° last leaf of first work, faintly stained in places).

Ad 1: Second (last), much enlarged edition of Huygens' Latin poetry. - Willems 768; Bibl. Belg. H-108.

€ 150

uitslag € 180

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