Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Neo Latin & Humanism

DES PERIERS, B. Cymbalum mundi, ou dialogues satyriques sur différens sujets. Avec une lettre critique dans laquelle on fait l'histoire, l'analyse, & l'apologie de cet ouvrage. Par P. Marchand. Nouv. éd. Amst./Lpz., Arkstee & Merkus, 1732-37. 2 parts in 1 vol. xxx, (1 blank leaf), 243, (4) pp. W. 2 diff. engr. ti-vign., 1 engr. front. & 4 engr. plates. Sm-8°. Fine cont. cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt back & red label. (Prelims misbound: leaf a12 inserted after a, as a*, a bit browned at beginning and end).

Nice copy of this rare work, first published in 1537, a pessimistical satire on the philosophers who proclaim solutions to the confusion and agitation in that time of religious strife. It contains i.a. a dialogue on the philosopher's stone between Luther, Bucer and Erasmus under thinly disguised names. - Brunet II, 644; Sander 470.

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