Veiling 356 Prints & Drawings

WICHMAN, Erich (1890-1929). Collection of 132 plain lithographs, including 21 duplicates. 1923. All printed on wove paper. Different sizes. (Paper browned throughout).

Intriguing and humorous series of lithographed caricatures, a kind of 'Comédie humaine' of the nineteen twenties, often with political colouring. This large collection consists of 3 lithographs from the 'Akashakroniek' (of which a complete run consists of 15 lithographs - Van Burkom GV 12) and 129 from the series 'Idealisten II en verdere kantteekeningen' (of which a complete run consists of 153 lithographs - Van Burkom GV 13), both from 1923, and both printed in a very limited edition. The collection was restored in 1996 by A.G. van Oort (restoration report present). A list of all present lithographs can be sent upon request. - Cf. at length Van Burkom, 'Erich Wichman. Ironische kunst, tragisch leven', p. 292-306.

€ 3600

uitslag € 4500

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