Veiling 356 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

PHILOSOPHY -- (ARNAULD, A. & P. NICOLE). La logique ou l'art de penser, contenant outre les regles communes, plusieurs observations nouvelles, propres à former le jugement. 5e éd., rev. & augm. Par., G. Desprez, 1683. (4), 471, (9) pp. Fine cont. full cf. w. raised bands & richly dec. gilt back. (Lower joint partly split, top of spine slightly chipped, inkstain on outer edge, old owner's entry on ti-p.).

The fifth (definitive) edition of the work known as the Port Royal Logic. The authors were leaders of the Port Royal movement, and the book displays the distinctive tone of earnest piety for which the movement became famous. La Logique was the most famous logic text of the seventeenth century and set the form of manuals of logic for the next two hundred years. - Brunet III, 1146.

€ 120

uitslag € 110

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