BASKIN, L. Ars anatomica. A medical fantasia. N.Y., Editions Medicina Rara, 1972. 6 pp. Ti. printed in red & black & 13 biofolia (=26, all present here in duplicate), each with a fantastical anatomical drawing by Baskin. Lge-fol. Or. blue half calf. In or. blue boards slipcase w. title label. (Front side of portfol. & slipcase a bit dented, bottom of slipcase sl. torn).
€ 180
uitslag € 0
CALCULATION METHOD FOR EDUCATION -- 'ARCHIMEDES'. De deelbare appel bij het onderwijs in het rekenen met breuken. Doorn, Critas Uitgeverszaak en Leermiddelenhandel O. de Waal, (c. 1920). 9 red painted wooden magnetized "apples" for use in mathematics lessons in elementary schools. In or. cardboard box. (Lid of box a bit dam. at the corners, most extremities scuffed, apples all well-preserved, a very charming set).
€ 140
uitslag € 1200
CAPPERS, R.T.J., R. BEKKER & J.E.A. JANS. Digitale zadenatlas van Nederland. Gron., 2006. W. many cold. illustr. 4°. Obrds.
€ 80
uitslag € 100
HØYRUP, J. Lengths, Widths, Surfaces. A Portrait of Old Babylonian Algebra and Its Kin. (2002). Obrds. -- M. MICHEL. Les mathématiques de l'Égypte ancienne. Numération, métrologie, arithmétique, géométrie et autres problèmes. 2014. Lge-8°. Owrps. -- A. IMHAUSEN. Mathematics in Ancient Egypt. (2016). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- E. ROBSON. Mathematics in Ancient Iraq. (2008). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 5 o. in 6 vols. (10).
€ 100
uitslag € 160
JACOBI, M.P. A Pathfinder in Medicine. W selections from her writing and a complete bibliography. 1925. Ocl. -- W.G. MACCALLUM. William Steward Halsted. Surgeon. 1930. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R. VALLERY-RADOT. The Life of Pasteur. (Reprint ed. N.Y., 1920. 1995). Ohcf. -- S. NULAND. Doctors. The biography of medicine. (1988). Full cf. binding. -- And 6 o. (10).
€ 70
uitslag € 90
MATHEMATICS -- BROUWER, L.E.J. Over de grondslagen der wiskunde. Amst./Lpz., Maas & v. Suchtelen, 1907. (6), 183 pp. Ocl., uncut. (Spine discold., some foxing in places, but else a fine copy).
€ 500
MATHEMATICS -- GOWERS, T., ed. The Princeton companion to mathematics. (2008). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- S. MACLANE & G. BIRKHOFF. Algebra. (1967). Ocl. -- G. BIRKHOFF & Th.C. BARTEE. Modern applied algebra. (1970). Ocl. -- G.H. HARDY & E.M. WRIGHT. An introduction to the theory of numbers. 3rd ed. 1954. Ocl. -- And 8 o. (12).
uitslag € 110
MATHEMATICS -- LANG, S. Undergraduate analysis. (1983). Obrds. -- Id. Calculus of several variables. 2nd ed. (1979). Obrds. -- Th.W. GAMELIN. Complex analysis. (2001). Owrps. -- S.K. BERBERIAN. A first course in real analysis. (1994). Obrds. -- F.M. DEKKING, (a.o.). A modern introduction to probability and statistics. Understanding why and how. (2005). Obrds. -- And 9 o. on the subject. (14).
€ 90
MATHEMATICS -- SPIVAK, M. Calculus. 3rd ed. (1994). 4°. Obrds. -- T.M. APOSTOL. Calculus. Vol. I-II. 2nd ed. (1967-69). 2 vols. Lge-8°. Obrds. & owrps. (Spine wrps. faded). -- J.L. KELLEY. General topology. (1964). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Name on ti.). -- R.P. FEYNMAN. QED. The strange theory of light and matter. (1985). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- L.V. AHLFORS. Complex analysis. 1953. Ocl. w. (a bit browned/dam.) dust-j. -- And 7 o. (13).
OSLER, W. Bibliotheca Osleriana. A catalogue of books illustrating the history of medicine and science. 1969. 4°. Ocl. -- Id. Incunabula Medica. A study of the Earliest Printed Medical Books 1467-1480. (Reprint ed. 1923. 1995). 4°. Ocl. -- R.L. GOLDEN & C.G. ROLAND, eds. Sir William Osler. An annotated bibliography. 1988. W. ill. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H. CUSHING. The Life of Sir William Osler. (Reprint ed. 1925. 1982). 2 vols. Or. full leather dec. binding. -- And 10 o. (15).
PARÉ, A. Oeuvres. Remises en ordre et en Français moderne par R.-H. Guerrand & F. de Bissy. Paris, Union Latine d'Éditions, (1976). 4 vols. including index vol. Or. green cf., spine w. raised bands & gilt lettering. In or. cf.-lined marbled slipcases. -- Id. The collected works. Transl. out of the Latin by Th. Johnson. (Facsimile reprint ed. London, 1634). N.Y., 1968. Fol. Ocl. -- (5).
uitslag € 150
PSYCHOLOGY -- BINSWANGER, L. Grundformen und Erkenntnis menschlichen Daseins. Zürich, 1942. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Stamp on free endpaper). First edition. -- S. FREUD. Studienausgabe. Hrsg. v. A. Mitscherlich, (u.a.). (Frankf., 1975). 11 vols. Obrds. (Spines sl. faded). -- E. JONES The life and work of Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939. (1961). 3 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 1 o. by F. (16).
uitslag € 60
PSYCHOLOGY -- FREUD, S. (Werken). Ned. ed. ond. red. v. A. Morriën, Th. Graftdijk, (e.v.a.). Meppel, Amst., (1979-93). 30 in 28 vols. Ocl. A good set. -- Added: I. KANT. Kritiek v.d. zuivere rede. (2004). - Id. Kritiek v.d. praktische rede. (2006). - Id. Kritiek v.h. oordeelsvermogen. (2009). - G.W.F. HEGEL. Fenomenologie van de geest. 2013. - 4 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (32).
uitslag € 140
RETZIUS, G., Hrsg. Cerebra Simiarum Illustrata. Das Affenhirn in bildlicher Darstellung. Jena, 1906. W. single & double-p. 67 (photo-)lithographic plts. Fol. Hcl. extra w. marbled sides. -- W. CHESELDEN. Osteographia (1733). (Medicina Rara, c. 1980). Fol. Ohcl. w. slipcase. -- B. EUSTACHIUS. Tabulae anatomicae. (Repr. ed. 1714). (Medicina Rara, c. 1984). Fol. Ocf. bind. In or. slipcase. -- G. WOLF- HEIDEGGER & A.M. CETTO. Die anatomische Sektion in bildlicher Darstellung. 1967. W. many b & w. plts. Ocl. -- And 8 o. (12).
uitslag € 180
RICHER, P. L'art et la médécine. (C. 1902). 4°. W. many illustr. Hcl. w. owrps. laid on. -- (A. CHAPLIN). A descriptive catalogue of the Portraits (…) in the Royal College of Physicians. 1926. Or. buckram. -- Ch. STERLING. Expositions des collections artistiques de la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Préf. de P. Valery. 1935. Owrps. -- Th. ROWLANDSON. Medical caricatures. W. a foreword by M.H. Saffron. (1971). W. 24 matted cold. plates after or. aquatints. Fol. In ocl. portfol. One of 300 de luxe copies, our copy nr. cxxxxi. -- And 14 o. (18).
uitslag € 130
WEEDA, E.J., (a.o.). Nederlandse oecologische flora. Wilde planten en hun relaties. 2003. 6 vols. incl. register. W. many photographs & illustr. in the text. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. slipcase. (Name entry in first vol., spines discold., otherwise a clean, neat, very well-preserved set, includes an empty binder for notes). -- NIEUWE ATLAS VAN DE NEDERLANDSE FLORA. 2011. W. many cold. maps. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (7).
uitslag € 120