Auction 360 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

BOILEAU, (J.). Histoire des flagellans, ou l'on fait voir le bon & le mauvais usage des flagellations parmi les Chretiens. 2e éd. Amst., H. de Sauzet, 1732. xxxii, 306, (10) pp. W. engr. front. Cont. cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt back & red edges. (Spine sl. dam. & wormholed).

Jacques Boileau (1631-1716), was deacon of the faculty of theology of the Sorbonne and a representative of Gallicanism. - Hayn/Got. II, 281: "Bietet inhaltlich viele curiosa Facten und interessante psychologische Fingerzeige. Enthält auch Schilderungen über Greueltaten in Klöstern." - Second French edition.

€ 120

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