Auction 359 Prints & Drawings

PORTRAITS -- "JACOBUS ELISA JOANNES CAPITEIN, Africaansche Moor, beroepen Predikant aan het Kasteel st. George op d'Elmina". Engr. portr. by F. v. Bleyswyck. 227 x 172 mm. -- Added: "JOHANNES HOCHEDAEUS". 1622. Engr. portr. by W. Delff after M.I. Mierevelt. 240 x 140 mm. (2 copies). -- "PETRUS VAN D[ER] MEER". 1610. Engr. portr. by W. Delff after A. Vinck. 240 x 140 mm. -- "ARNOLDUS CORNELY [CRUSIUS]". 1610. Engr. portr. by W.I. Delff after M.I. Mierevelt. 257 x 141 mm. (Margins trimmed to plate border). -- d"JAKOB BASNAGE". Engr. portr. by I. Ledeboer. 330 x 225 mm. (Hinged to mount). -- "CORNELIUS HOUTHOFF". 1727. Engr. portr. by J. Houbraken after J. Wandelaar. 300 x 205 mm. -- And 13 o. portraits of Dutch clerics/religious officials. (19).

€ 150

result € 700

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