Auction 359 Prints & Drawings

PORTRAITS -- HOGENBERG, Frans (1535-1590). "Gerardum Mercatoris Rupelmundani effigiem (…)". 1574. Engr. portr. of the cartographer Gerard Mercator at the age of 62 holding a compass and a globe, cold. by hand. 197 x 150 mm. Latin text on v°. -- Added: Edme de BOULONOIS (active 17th c.). "Christophorus Plantinus Turonensis". N.d. Engr. bust of Chr. Plantin. 187 x 139 mm. -- Willem HONDIUS (c. 1598-c. 1658). "Guilielmus Hondius". N.d. Engr. portr. after Ant. v. Dyck. 243 x 170 mm. Laid down on mount. -- And 6 o. portraits (Plancius, Bertius and 4 o. of Mercator). (9).

€ 100

result € 240

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