Auction 359 Old & Rare Books - General History & Topography

AMERICA -- BRIEF DISCOURS DE LA TYRANNIE commise par les Espaignols, en les terres d'America & Mexico., no publ., n.d. (late 16th c.). 20 lvs., printed on r° only and laid down on handmade paper, the majority embellished w. a typogr. border. W. 16 mirror-image engr. in text copied after Th. De Bry, incl. a map of Mexico ("Mexicana"), above texts in French. 4°. Mod. cf. bind. (Margins of lvs. cropped, incidentally w. loss of image).

Without title, colophon, page/leaf numbers, signatures. We have not been able to address the text to an author, but it may well be written by Bartolomé de las Casas, or perhaps by the Frenchman Jacques de Alliggrode. Text ends after 'paragraph' XVII, but continues with four leaves until "Fin". - Not in Church, nor in any other relevant source. - Sold w.a.f., not subject to return.

€ 400

result € 320

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