Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

SIBYLLINA ORACULA ex vett. codd. aucta, renovata, et notis illustrata a Joh. Opsopaeo Brettano. Cum interpretatione Latina Seb. Castalionis et indice. W. engr. ti. & 12 engrs. by C. de Mallery in text. - Bound with: Oracula metrica Jovis, Apollinis, Hecates, Serapidis, et aliorum (…) a J. Opsopaeo collecta. Item Astrampsychi Oneirocriticon a Jos. Scaligero digestum & castigatum. Graece et Latine. W. large woodcut on ti. - And: Oracula magica Zoroastris cum scholiis Plethonis et Pselli nunc primum editi, e Bibliotheca Regia, studio Johannis Opsopaei. W. large woodcut on ti. - Paris, (Comp. de la Grand'Navire), 1607. 3 parts in 1 vol. (16), 524, 71, (2); xxiv (recte xx), 114, (5); 144 (recte 140) pp. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides & red speckled edges. (Paste downs detached, upper hinge broken, outer margin of endpapers a bit crumpled, outer margin faintly stained at the end).

Second edition of this collection (first Paris, 1599). A very handsome edition, not only for its typographical execution with three different sizes of the Grecs du Roi type, but also for the very fine engravings by Charles de Mallery of the twelve Sibyls in Panvinius's essay on the subject in the first part. The title-pages for the second & third part have the Lutetia ship woodcut. - Caillet 10179 (note); Brunet V, 370; Graesse VI, 398; Thorndike VI, 492; Hoffmann III, 396. - With engr. armorial ex libris of Sir William Baird of Newbaith.

€ 320

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