Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

CASALIUS, J.B. De profanis et sacris veteribus ritibus. Roma, A. Phaeus, 1644-45. 3 parts in 1 vol. (11), 1-93, (5), 95-269, (16); (10), 496, (35) pp. W. engr. ti-vign., 21 engr. plates (13 fold.) & many woodcuts in the text. Sm-4°. Cont. cf. w. gilt dec. spine w. yellow label & gilt dec. board edges. (Ex libris on paste-down, several neat annot. in ink in the margins).

Handsome copy of the rare 1st ed. of this work on Egyptian, Roman and Christian religious rites and customs. Additional title-p. from the Parisian ed. 1646 bound in.

€ 1000

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