Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

ARNOBIUS. Adversus gentes libri VII. Cum rec. (Th. Canteri, G. Stewechii, G. Elmenhorstii, D. Heraldi). Ed. nov. (cura A. Thysii). Leiden, Ex Off. J. Maire, 1651. 4 in 1 vol. (12), 255; 156; (2), 191, (84); 283, (19) pp. W. engr. ti-vign. 4°. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides. (Some yellowing throughout).

The "Adversus gentes", an outstanding work of the early Christian Church, was composed about 300 AD, when A. was a recent convert. The seven books contain a great deal of ancient mythological material. - Dibdin I, 216; Breugelmans, p. 648ff.

€ 180

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