NIDER, J. P[re]ceptoriu[m] divine legis. (Basel, no printer (=Joh. Amerbach), 1481). (201 (of 222)) lvs. (ff. 21-222). Leaf a2 w. cold. and gilded initial, cold. and gilded border decoration and a miniature portrait within a blue coat of arms in the right outer corner (Nider?); blue and red initials and rubrication throughout. Fol. 19th c. starch paper cardboard bind. (As often lacking the index consisting of the first 20 leaves, bind. a bit rubbed, lower (inner) margin more or less stained throughout (gradually fading towards end), ownership notice on top of first leaf, some ink stencilling in places, but actually a good copy w. ample margins).
Johannes Nider, (Isny c. 1380 - Nuremberg 1438), Dominican theologian, writer, diplomat, reformer. He was a celebrated preacher throughout Germany and Switzerland. He was prior of the convent of strict observance at Basle, 1429-36, and from 1429 to 1438 was vicar over all the reformed priories in Germany. Lacking the first 20 index lvs., including 1 blank: the actual text starts with a2 (a1 is also a blank). - ISTC 00208000; Hain-C. 11793; GKW M26911, etc.€ 1000
result € 2800