Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

HEGIUS, A. Dialogi. De scientia et eo q[uo]d co[n]tra Academicos. De tribus anim[a]e generibus. De incarnationis misterio dialogi duo quib[us]. Dialogus physicus. De sensu et sensili. De arte et inertia. De rhetorica. De moralibus. Eiusde[m] Farrago cui addita invectiva eius in modos significandi. Epistola una et altera eius ceteris apud suos latentibus. (Ed. J. Faber). (Colophon: Deventer, Richard Pafraet, 31 Dec. 1503). (170) pp. With spaces left for 3- to 5-line manuscript initials (most with printed guide letters), printed in Gothic type. Sm-4°. Later h. vellum. (Some underl./marg. annot. in an old hand to first 8 lvs., sl. yellowed in places).

First edition of a collection of Latin dialogues and other short educational texts on religious and philosophical subjects by Alexander Hegius (ca. 1433/39?-1498), a pupil of Thomas à Kempis and Rudolph Agricola and since 1469 rector of the famous Illustre School at Deventer, where he shared quarters with the printer Pafraet, who published the book. Most of the dialogues were first printed in the present edition. - Fine copy of this rare work. Nijhoff/Kronenberg 1042; Adams H155.

€ 1200

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