Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

APIANUS, P. & B. AMANTIUS. Inscriptiones sacrosanctae vetustatis non illae quidem Romanae, sed totius fere orbis summo studio ac maximis impensis Terra Mariq[ue] conquistate feliciter incipiunt. Ingolstadt, P. (& G.) Apianus, 1534. (40), cccccxii, (8) pp. W. large woodcut on ti-p. after A. Dürer, woodcut coat of arms of the Fugger family, woodcut initials by M. Ostendorfer, & 185 woodcuts in the text by H. Brosamer & M. Ostendorfer. Each page within a woodcut frame. Fol. Old cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt backs, gilt centerpieces on both sides, surrounded by gilt borders. (Some small dam. to spine, bind. skilfully restored in places, new endpapers, 2 libr. stamps on ti., piece of blank outer margin ti-p. cut off, margins cut (outer margin leaf 'tt' cut too short, affecting text), else a fine and clean copy).

Beautiful edition (financed by Raimund Fugger and dedicated to him) of a collection inscriptions, mostly from Fugger's own collection, with privilege of Karl V and short contributions by Ph. Melanchthon, J. Agricola, A. Osiander, a.o. It includes inscriptions on tombs and other stones, but also on ceramics and other objects. The inscriptions, some taken from works by Peutinger, Pirckheimer, Choler, Giocondo and others, are arranged geographically. The book includes some obviously fictitious items lifted from the Hypnerotomachia Polifili (Venice 1499) and from Ciriaco d'Ancona. - Adams A-1291; VD 16 A-3086; Brunet I, 342.

€ 1200

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