Auction 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

OPHTHALMOLOGY -- BARTISCH, G. Ophthalmodouleia. (Repr. ed. 1583. 1977). W. num. ill., partly moveable. 4°. Ohcf. w. raised bands, red label & slipcase. (Spine a bit faded). -- M. MEYERHOF. Las operaciones de catarata de 'Ammâr Ibn 'Alî Al-Mausilî, oculista de El Cairo. 1937. W. 6 plates. Owrps., printed glassine dust jacket. (Uncut, unopened, text in Spanish, English, French & German). -- F. von ARLT. Klinische Darstellung der Krankheiten des Auges (…). 1881. W. 1 plate. Owrps., uncut & unopened. (Wrps. a bit dusty). -- A. von GRAEFE. Lehre von den Augenkrankheiten und deren Behandlung. Eingel. & hrsg. v. W. Leydhecker. 1989. W. illustr. Owrps. -- Id. Three memoirs on iridectomy (…). A facsimile of the first German monographs (…) with the first English translation (…). (Facs. eds. 1856-59. 1984). Or. leather w. gilt dec. -- And 26 o. (Mostly facs. reprint eds. from the Classics of Opthalmology series, all in fine condition). (31).

€ 150

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