Auction 358 Maritime History & Travelling

JONGE, J.C. de. Geschiedenis v.h. Ned. zeewezen. 's-Grav., (etc.), 1833-48. 6 in 10 vols. W. 12 (fold.) plates (maps/plans, portr., etc.). Beautiful cont. hcf. w. richly dec. gilt backs & red labels. -- Added: M.V. v. HALL. Het leven & karakter v.d. Admiraal Jhr. J.H. v. Kinsbergen. 1841. Beautiful richly blind- & gilt-tooled blue cf., a.e.g. -- (11).

Ad 1: Sabin, 36635: "It is the most authentic history of the Dutch navy. (…) it contains very ample material for the history of the West-India-Company, the early expeditions to America, ….". - Very atractive set. Cat. NHSM, 353. - This set was offered as a birthday present (29 July 1862) to 'Adelborst' H.A. de Smit van den Broecke (1841-1904). - From the library of J.W. Six and with his bookplate.

€ 240

result € 190

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