Auction 358 Topographical Prints & Drawings

PTOLEMAEUS - COSMOGRAPHIA -- COLLECTION of all the original maps from the 'Cosmographia', Rome, 1490 edition. 27 double-p. maps, loose, all with central vertical fold. (All maps restored/cleaned (i.a. vertical folds skilfully strengthened on v°, remargined in places, marginal splits closed), the left outer half of world map partly skilfully remargined and w. few scale numbers and some lines in the world map skilfully redone in ink by a later hand, throughout small markings added in ink in places, a bit thumbed/soiled/brown spots in places, some small ms. annotations in an old hand in places (e.g. on first Asia map), but altog. in fine condition).

Maps from the 5th incunable edition of Ptolemy's famous 'Cosmographia', being the 4th edition with maps, and the 3rd edition with copper-engravings. Comprising 10 maps of Europe, including the famous map of the 'world' (Shirley 4), 4 maps of Africa, and 12 maps of Asia. The first printed edition of the 'Cosmography', including maps, was published in 1477 in Bologna. The first Rome edition was issued by Arnold Buckinck on 10 October 1478. Later editions were reissued on 4 November 1490 by Petrus de Turre. In 1490 the plates were still in excellent condition, having the original sharpness and quality. Watermark in our maps reveal a cardinal's hat, which indicates that these maps derive from the 1490 Rome edition (cf. on the 'Cosmographia' editions: R. Peerlings, F. Laurentius & J. v.d. Bovenkamp, Quaerendo, vol. 47, nr. 3-4, (2017), p. 315 and also (at length): by R. Peerlings and F. Laurentius).

€ 40000

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