Auction 358 Illustrated Books 19th - 21st c.

JANIN, J. Les symphonies de l'hiver. 1858. W. 15 plates by Gavarni. Beautiful or. richly gilt & cold. dec. cl., a.e.g. (Spine discold.). -- J.J. GRANDVILLE. Cent proverbes. 1845. Prof. ill. Cont. gilt dec. hcf. (Spine a bit chafed, some foxing). -- A. ROBIDA. Le portefeuille d'un très vieux garçon. (1886). Prof. ill. & w. 5 facs. in rear-pocket. Or. green cl. w. mounted portr. -- (G.A. BÜRGER). Histoire & aventures du Baron de Munchhausen. 1840. Prof. ill. Cont. gilt dec. black h. mor. (A bit stained at the beginning, some foxing). -- And 7 o. (11).

€ 150

result € 340

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