Auction 358 Illustrated Books 19th - 21st c.

HULLMANDEL, Ch. Costume français de 1200 à 1715. Lond., C. Hullmandel for Rodwell & Martin, (1830). W. 100 numb. handcold. lithogr. plates with legends (incl. ti.), drawn on stone by G. Scharf. Sm-8°. Beautiful cont. long-grain brown mor. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, dec. & blind tooled borders on both sides, inside dentelles, w. burgundy and brown label, a.e.g, bound by Bayntun in Bath. (Extremities sl. scuffed/chafed).

A wonderful example of historical French costume with fine handcolouring. The subjects include Joan of Arc, Bloody Mary, Queen of Scots, Ninon de Lenclos, many French kings and queens, courtiers, mistresses, soldiers, knights, politicians and admirals, from five centuries of French history. - Colas 1808; Hiler 533; (1820 ed.); Lipperheide 1074 (1820 ed).

€ 240

result € 320

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