Auction 358 Netherlands - General History & Topography

TEMPLE, W. Aenmerckingen over de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Provintien. Over-geset naer den 2den dr., door den Autheur verb. en verm. Amst., "Na de Copye (…) voor de Weduwe van Joseph Bruyningh", n.d. (1673?). (6), 90 pp. 4°. Mod. cl.

Important observations on 'the Dutch' by an Englishman in The Hague. Scarce first edition in Dutch. From the library of professor Izaäk Johannes ('Ieb') Brugmans and w. his bookplate. - Schoneveld 597; Knuttel 11008.

€ 80

result € 100

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