Auction 358 Classical Antiquity - Religion

EDWARDS, M., (a.o.), eds. Apologetics in the Roman Empire. Pagans, Jews, and Christians. (1999). -- P. ATHANASSIADI & M. FREDE. Pagan monotheism in late antiquity. 1999. -- E.R. DODDS. Pagan and Christian in an age of anxiety. 1965. -- A. MOMIGLIANO, ed. The conflict between paganism & christianity in the 4th c. (1964). -- M. BEARD & J. NORTH, ed. Pagan priests. Religion and power in the ancient world. (1990). -- 5 vols. Or. binds. (4) w. dust-j. -- And 5 o. (10).

€ 80

result € 110

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