Auction 358 Classical Antiquity - Religion

BACKUS, I., ed. The reception of the church fathers in the West. From the Carolingians to the Maurists. 1997. 2 vols. Ocl. In or. slipcase. -- M. PELLEGRINO. Ricerche patristiche (1938-1980). Pref. di E. Corsini. 1982. 2 vols. Owrps. -- P. GORDAY. Principles of patristic exegesis. Romans 9-11 in Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. (1983). Ocl. -- D.W.H. ARNOLD & P. BRIGHT. De doctrina christiana. (1995). Ocl. -- M.-J. RONDEAU. Les commentaires patristiques du psautier (IIIe-Ve s.). 1982-85. 2 vols. Owrps. -- And 8 o. (16).

€ 80

result € 70

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