Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

GROOTE TAFEREEL DER DWAASHEID, HET, Vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der Actie, Bubbel en Windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den Jaare 1720. Zynde een Verzameling v. alle de conditien en projecten Van de opgeregte Compagnien van Assurantie, Navigatie, Commercie, &c. in Nederland, zo wel die in gebruik zyn gebragt, (…). (, no publ.), 1720. (2), 26; 52, 32 (recte 29), 8 pp. W. 74 (full-p. and double-p./fold.) plates. Fol. Cont. mottled. cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, gilt centerpieces on both sides and gilt crowns a.o. gilt tooling in all corners, surrounded by 3 gilt dec. borders. (Bind. worn, foxing/browning throughout, traces of use, some wear & tear to plates in places, but a reasonable copy).

Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid (The Great Mirror of Folly) pertains to the speculative period of the "bubbles" in 1720 which bursted at about the same time: the 'South Sea Bubble', named after the British South Sea Company, lasted from January to September, 1720; the 'Mississippi Bubble', after the Mississippi Company In France, had begun a bit earlier, in 1719 and the 'Dutch bubble' started in March 1720 and derived from the other two bubbles. Very important source for 18th c. Dutch economic history. As Muller puts it: "Dit boek: Tafereel der Dwaasheid, is eene hoogst belangrijke verzameling van vrij geestige platen en tekst over den Windhandel". For the greater part following Muller 3535: 49, 2-5, 7-26, 29, 28, 46, 30-45, 72, 48, 47, 50-54, extra plate M 3611b, 55-59, 62, 60, 63, 61, extra plate M 3615, 64, 66, 67, extra plate M 3612, 70, 68, extra plate M 3613, 73, no index plate. - Muller II, p. 110-11; Kress 3217; Atlas v. Stolk 3452. - Sold w.a.f., not subject to return.

€ 900

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