Auction 358 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

PHARMACOLOGY -- LEMERY, N. Woordenboek of algemeene verhandeling der enkele droogeryen, behelzende der zelve verscheide benamingen, oorsprong, (etc.), die in de dieren, planten, en bergstoffen gevonden worden. (Vert.) d. C. v. Putten en I. de Wit. Rott., J.D. Beman, 1743. (22), 772, (72) pp. W. engr. front. & 25 fold. plates each w. 16 ill. 4°. Cont. hcf. w. raised bands & dec. gilt back, uncut. (New label, new corners & paper on sides, hinges strengthened, upper margin last plates faintly waterstained).

Lemery, Nicolas (1645-1715), French chemist, lived to see 13 editions of his Cours de chymie (1675). He did not concern himself much with theoretical speculations, but holding chemistry to be a demonstrative science, confined himself to the straightforward exposition of facts and experiments. - Stoeder, Geschied. d. Pharmacie in Ned., p. 229; Hirsch III, 665; BMN I, 359.

€ 300

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