BARTHOLINUS, Th. De Cruce Christi Hypomnemata IV. I, De sedili medio. II. De vino myrrhato. III. De corona spinca. IV. De sudore sanguineo. Amst., A. Frisius, 1670. 290, (22) pp. W. engr. ti-vign. & 6 engrs. (4 full-p.). - Bound after: C.F. CURTIUS. De Clavis Domini Liber Cura secundae. Antw., A. Frisius, 1670. (36), 158, (20), (2 blank) pp. W. engr.front., engr.ti-vign., & 18 text-engrs. (all but 1 full-p.). - 2 in 1 vol. 12°. Fine cont. vellum. (Old owner's entry on free endpaper).
Very fine copy. Ad 1: Thomas Bartholin (1616-1680) was a Danish physician, naturalist, physiologist, and anatomist who greatly expanded our knowledge of the working anatomy of various glands, the biliary system, and the lymphatics. This rare work discusses the medical and physiologic aspects of the crucifixion of Christ. There are also essays on myrrh and wine and the transubstantiation of wine to blood. - Wellcome II p. 108; Osler 1944. Ad 2: Treatise on the nails of the Holy Cross and on the Lord's Passion. - Wellcome II p. 422; BCNI 8703.€ 240
result € 400