Auction 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

EIKELDOORPERS -- RILKE, R.M. Twee brieven aan Liliane. 1993. Owrps. Printed in 120 numb. copies. -- Id. Freiheitsklänge. (1989-90). Owrps. Printed in 46 numb. copies.-- Id. Eine Rose allein ist alle Rosen. (2003). Owrps. Printed in 40 numb. copies. Added: Plano, printed in 2008 in 50 numb. copies. -- Id. & A. de WIT. Brieven. Vert. W. Bierman. 1999. Lge-8°. Owrps. Printed in 77 copies. -- Th. MANN. Das Thema ist brennend genug. Brief aan Herman Wolf. (2013). Sm-4°. Owrps. Printed in 55 numb. copies. -- And 7 o. by the same press. (12).

€ 80

result € 70

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