BAEDEKER, K. Deutsches Reich (Grossdeutschland). Offizieller Führer des deutschen Automobil-Clubs. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1939. W. 70 town plans: partly cold. & fold./partly in text, 1 cold. table (traffic signs), 1 distance table and 1 section title w. general map of all the highways. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Dust-j. has some wear and the upper lower corner front side is chipped, without 'Strassenzustandskarte' which was added loose). National Socialist edition. -- Added: Id. Nordwest-Deutschland. (v.d. Elbe und der Westgrenze Sachsens an, nebst Hamburg und der Westküste von Schleswig-Holstein). 31. Aufl. Lpz., 1914. W. 54 maps & 86 plans. Ocl. w. almost impeccable dust-j. -- Id. Berlin und Umgebung. Lpz., 1914. W. 5 maps, 10 plans and 17 floor plans. Ocl. -- And 7 o. of Germany (not collated), 3 w. dust-j. (10).
€ 150
result € 150
BAEDEKER, K. Konstantinopel, Balkanstaaten, Kleinasien, Archipel, Cypern. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1914. W. 18 maps, 50 plans and 15 floor plans. Sm-8°. (Spine skillfully rep., 1 fold. map at end a bit dam., but a good copy). -- Id. Palestine et Syrie, routes principales a travers la Mésopotamie et la Babylonie, l'ile de Chypre. 4me éd. Lpz., (etc.), 1912. W. 21 maps, 56 plans and a panorama of Jerusalem. (Some unobtrusive staining in places). -- Id. Ägypten und der Sûdân. 7. Aufl. Lpz., 1913. W. 21 maps, 84 (floor) plans and 55 illustr. -- Id. Egypt and the Sûdân. 8th rev. ed. 1929. W. 106 maps & plans, 56 woodcuts. -- Id. Mittelmeer. Seewege, Hafenplatze, Landausflüge. Mit Marokko, Algerien, Tunesien. 2. Aufl. 1934. W. 43 maps and 46 plans. -- 5 vols. Sm-8°. Ocl.
€ 100
result € 180
BAEDEKER, K. Norwegen, Dänemark, Island, Spitzbergen. 14. Aufl. Lpz., 1931. W. 54 maps, 17 plans, 6 floor plans and 3 panoramas. Sm-8°. Ocl. -- Id. The Dominion of Canada, w. Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. 3rd rev. and augm. ed. Lpz., 1907. W. 13 maps & 12 plans. Sm-8°. Ocl. -- Added: A.B. MARTINEZ. Baedeker de la République Argentine. Comprenant aussi une partie du Brésil, de la République Orientale de l'Uruguay, du Chili et de la Bolivie. 3me éd. Barcelone, 1907. W. i.a. 6 fold. maps. Sm-8°. Ocl. -- And 1 o. (a defective copy of United States).
result € 160
BAEDEKER, K. Rußland nebst Teheran, Port Arthur, Peking. 7. Aufl. Lpz., 1912. W. 40 maps, 67 plans and 11 floor plans. Sm-8°. Ohcl. w. dust-j. (Back skillfully rep./replaced (paste-downs preserved!), dust-j. a bit chipped in places, small rep. to general map preceding ti.-p., but a good copy).
€ 70
result € 100
BAEDEKER -- COLLECTION of 24 BAEDEKER travel guides in German, French and English. Lpz., 1887-1937. 24 vols. Sm-8°. Ocl., 4 w. dust-j. In general in good condition, not collated.
result € 240
CRUISES/OCEAN LINERS -- COLLECTION of 95 coloured commercial folders, leaflets a.o. printed matter (e.g. cabin plans, suitcase labels, blank menu cards) related to travelling with ocean liners, published c. 1950's-1960's by Dutch shipping companies. Diff. sizes. In very fine condition.
result € 130