Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

VERGILIUS. Opera, cum integris & emend. comm. Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Acced. F. Ursinii, G. Fabricii, F. Nansii, (…) e.a., ac praecipue N. Heinsii notae nunc primum editae. (…) & var. in Servium lectiones addidit. P. Burmannus. Amst., J. Wetstenius, 1746. 4 vols. W. engr. front. by Tanjé, 4 engr. ti-vign., 14 fine half-p. engrs. (12 to the books of the Aeneid) by J. Folkema, a.o., 1 full-p. engr. plate dep. an inscribed stone slab and 1 fold. map depicting the journey of Aeneas. 4°. Fine cont. blind tooled vellum, spines raised in compartments. (Very clean set, but w. some occasional browning).

Brunet V, 1292: "Une des meilleures éditions de ce poëte."; Dibdin II, 552-553: "(…) celebrated edition"; Schweiger II, 1175. - Marvellous set in beautiful, undamaged Dutch bindings.

€ 500

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