Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

TACITUS. Opera quae exstant. Iustus Lipsius postremum rec. (…). - J. LIPSIUS. Ad annales Cor. Taciti. Liber commentarius. - Id. Ad libros Historiarum notæ. - VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. (Historiae Romanae) cum animadversionibus I. Lipsi. - J. LIPSIUS. Ad C. Velleium Paterculum animadversiones. - Antw., Ex off. Plantiniana, J. Moretus, 1600. 5 parts in 1 vol. (12), 385, (11); (8), 246; lxxxii, (30); 69, (11); 48, (4) pp. W. lge printer's devices on ti-pp. (first engraved, rest woodcut), some text-woodcuts. Fol. Mod. brds. (A bit browned in places).

Dibdin II, 450: "The edition of 1600, the last which he superintended himself (he dying in 1607) is considered to be the best of those which were published before his death". - Schweiger II, 1000.

€ 180

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