Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

SENECA. Van de weldaden. Uyt 't Lat. vert. d. D.V. Koornhart [sic]. Amst., J.F. Stam, (printed by M. Perfect, Gouda), 1644. (153, 3 blank) lvs. Title printed within ornamental borders. 12°. Cont. vellum.

The second edition of the Dutch translation of Seneca's Latin essays on a salutary life, teaching brotherly love, true friendship and courtesy. - Nicely printed edition. Geerebaert CXXXIII, 2b; Muller 344 ("Fraai drukje van Matthys Perfect"); Scheepers II, 365; De Vries 343.

€ 300

uitslag € 300

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