Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

ROME -- BARTOLI, P.S. Colonna Traiana ereta dal Senato, e Popolo Romano all'Imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma. Rome, G.-G. de Rossi, (1751). 14, (2) pp. W. engr. ti.-p., engr. dedication to Louis XIV, 7 preliminary engr. plates, 119 engr. plates. Fol.-obl. Cont. cf. (Spine a bit dam., sides scratched, corners a bit worn, but altog. acceptable, upper outer corner of plates a bit stained throughout (not affecting the images)).

Trajan's Column commemorates the Roman emperor Trajan's victory in the Dacian Wars. It was probably constructed under the supervision of the architect Apollodorus of Damascus at the order of the Roman Senate and completed in AD 113. The 119 copper plates each show a relief on the column shaft in very vivid reproductions. - Brunet II,1 (ti. differing from ours); Cicognara 3603 ("119 tavole di bellissimo intaglio"); Kat. Ornamentstichsammlung 3622; Kissner 543 (incomplete).

€ 400

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