Veiling 360 Law

GELDERLAND -- SCHOMAKER, J. Selecta consilia et respons juris/Dat is uitgelezene instructoire en decisoire consultatien en advisen, dienende (...) voor voorname vierschaaren des Furstendoms Gelre en Graafschap Zutphen (...). Dl. 1-5. Nijm., (etc.), (1738)-65. 5 vols. 4°. Cont. vellum, spines w. raised bands & blind stamped dec. at spine ends, sides ruled & blindstamped. (Vols. 1, 4, 5 w. split upper hinges, vol. 4 w. dam. spine, some yellowing in the text, vol. 4 w. a slight waterstain in lower margin).

Only edition of this esteemed work, very important for the history of Dutch law, espec. w. regard to the province of Gelderland. A 6th vol. was published in 1782, which is extremely scarce. - Dekkers, 154; Gouda Quint, 318.

€ 300

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