Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

PAYNE SMITH, J., ed. A compendious Syriac dictionary. 1903. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- A.F.L. BEESTON, (a.o.). Sabaic dictionary (English-French-Arabic). 1982. Ocl. -- I. EPH'AL. The ancient Arabs. Nomads on the borders of the fertile crescent 9th-5th c. B.C. 1982. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- A. JAMME Sabaean inscriptions from Mahram Bilqîs (Mârib). (1962). 4°. Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- S. WILD. Libanesische Ortsnamen. Typologie und Deutung. 1973. Owrps. -- And 13 o. (smaller) works. (18).

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