Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

HAGER, J. A dissertation on the newly discovered Babylonian inscriptions. Lond., Wilks & Taylor, 1801. xxiii, (1), 62 pp. W. 4 engr. (tinted) plates. 4°. Clothbacked old brds. (Corners dam./worn, weak hinges, a bit thumbed in places, sl. browned).

Joseph Hager (1757-1819) was an Austrian naturalized Italian linguist, lexicographer, orientalist, writer and academic. This work is dedicated to the Court of Directors of the East Indies Company in recognition of their 'wisdom, zeal, liberality, fine taste, and every other virtue' in forwarding scientific and humanistic research. - Extremely rare, no copy sold at auction or for sale found by us.

€ 600

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