Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

AL-MU'TAZZ, Ibn. The Tabaqât al-Shu'arâ al-Muhdathîn. Reprod. in facsimile from a Ms. dated 1285 A.H./1869 A.D. w. an introd., notes and variants by A. Eghbal. 1939. Lge-8°. -- F. KRENKOW, ed./transl. The poems of Tufail ibn 'auf al-Ghanawî and at-Tirimmâh ibn Hakîm at-Tâ'yî. 1927. 4°. -- M. SMITH, ed. Kitâb al-Ri'âya Lihuqûq Allâh by abû 'Abdallâh Hârith ibn Asad al-Muhâsibî. 1940. -- 3 vols. Ocl. ("E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" Series XXV, New Series XIII & XV).

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